Business and Social Enterprise


  • G. Reid, R. Kort, S. Alvarez, R. Bourdet-Sicard, V. Benoit, M. Cunningham, D.M. Saulnier, J.E.T. van Hylckama Vlieg, H. Verstraelen and W. Sybesma 2018 (in press). Expanding the reach of probiotics through social enterprise. Beneficial Microbes. doi: 10.3920/BM2018.0015 


  • Grantham, K.E. 2016. Making microfinance work: exploring effective strategies to promote Tanzanian women’s economic and social status through microfinance. Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 3527.


  • Reid, M. K. E., R. Gough, M. Enos, and G. Reid. 2013. Social businesses in Tanzania tackling health issues of the Millenium Development Goals, one community kitchen at a time. J. Social Bus  3(1): 24-38.