Western International Staff
Lise Laporte
Senior Director
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 85489
lise.laporte@uwo.caAnna Kurach
International Partnership Specialist
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 85719
akurach@uwo.caDerrick Owusu-Kodua
International Projects Coordinator
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
dowusuko@uwo.caMary Lee
Administrative Specialist, Vice-Provost (International)
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519 661-2111 ext. 86409
mlee75@uwo.caRebecca Mudge
Manager, Administration and Finance
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 81223
rmudge2@uwo.caMonica Escobar
Systems Coordinator and Functional Analyst
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 86486
mescoba@uwo.caJacqueline Gonzalez
Administrative Assistant
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 85117
jgonza56@uwo.caMaggi Stoop
Administrative Assistant/Receptionist
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 89309
mstoop@uwo.caRay Vanderloop
Technology Support Specialist (They/ Them)
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 81156
rvanderl@uwo.caCrystal Lamb
Communications & Marketing Manager (Acting)
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 81350
clamb43@uwo.caNyren Mo
Digital Engagement Coordinator
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 85286
zmo5@uwo.caTeddy Loukas
Digital Engagement Web Specialist
2nd Floor, International & Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 82277
tloukas2@uwo.ca Eunjung Riauka
Director, International Learning
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 85148
eriauka@uwo.caFloranda Agroam (on leave)
International Learning Coordinator
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-611-2111 ext. 86072
fagroam@uwo.caFan Liu
International Learning Coordinator
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 89414
fliu92@uwo.caPin Sun
Faculty-Led Study Abroad & Safety Abroad Coordinator
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 86075
psun22@uwo.caKeyona Gallucci
International Learning Coordinator
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 82725
kgallucc@uwo.caAna Chiarelli
International Learning Coordinator
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 85196
achiare@uwo.caMegan Sager
Director, International Student Services
2nd Floor, International & Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 85944
msager8@uwo.caChanra Cragg
International Programs Coordinator
Fabiana Tepedino
International Student Advisor
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 80359
ftepedi2@uwo.caFrancesca Mancuso Silva
International Transitions Project Coordinator
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 85657
fmancus3@uwo.caHaixin (Heidi) Liu
International Student Advisor
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 85147
hliu684@uwo.caSandra Pehilj
International Student Advisor
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 80054
spehilj@uwo.caKamaljeet Bindra
International Student Advisor
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519-661-2111 ext. 82861
kbindra@uwo.caLaura Taron
International Student Advisor
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519 661-2111 ext. 86744
laura.taron@uwo.caAna Helena Barbosa Caldas
International Student Advisor
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519 661-2111 ext. 86935
abarbos8@uwo.caOlivia Yusuf
Program Coordinator, Student Arrivals & Orientation
2nd Floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
519 661-2111 ext. 85286