Radboud-Western Collaboration Fund
Radboud University (The Netherlands) and Western have created a Collaboration Fund to facilitate and support joint initiatives that will strengthen the two universities’ strategic priorities through innovative education as well as multidisciplinary leading-edge research to create academic and societal impact.
The Collaboration Fund encourages proposals for one-year joint projects (up to $25,000 CAD) in the areas of research and learning & teaching (education) as well as opportunities for short-term mobility visits.
Application Information
Information Session - January 30, 2025, 10:00 am - 10:30 am
Join representatives from Radboud University and Western University as we announce and celebrate the 2025-26 launch of the Radboud-Western Collaboration Fund for Research, Teaching and Mobility. In addition to learning details on this funding opportunity, participants will have the opportunity to participate in a Q&A session.
Program Contacts
Western community members should direct any questions related to this program to Radboud@uwo.ca . Radboud community members may find more information on www.radboudnet.nl/western and/or direct questions to Western@ru.nl .
Workshop Presentations & Resources
2024 Radboud-Western Collaboration Fund Information Session
Dutch/Canadian Cooperation - Sanne Echten, Innovation Attaché Network North America
Selected Projects 2023 - 2024:
“Hearing Conflicts (HEARCON): Unpacking Decolonization in Canadian and Dutch Museum Initiatives via a Research Podcast”
Project led by: Dr.Friederike Landau-Donnelly (R), Dr. Kirsty Robertson (W) & Dr. Sarah Smith (W)
This research brings together an interdisciplinary team of scholars (Cultural Geography, Information & Media Studies, and Museum & Curatorial Studies) employing creative methodologies to explore museological strategies for contending with colonial histories and “difficult knowledge.” Examining museum practice in Canada and the Netherlands, the team will explore curatorial approaches at a range of institutions and engage with museum practitioners, with research outputs including a podcast and scholarly publication.
“Balancing act: EEF1A1 and the regulation of cellular energy source use”
Project Lead by: Dr. Rosemary Yu (R) & Dr. Nica Borradaile (W)
How does a cell balance between using sugars or fats for energy? In this project, Dr. Borradaile and Dr. Yu will tackle this question using an innovative combination of big data experiments and computer simulations.
“Dynamic medical imaging and experimental evaluation of patellofemoral biomechanics”
Project Lead by: Dr. Ir. Dennis Janssen (R) & Dr. Ryan Willing (W)
The project between the Biomechanical Engineering Research Lab of Western University and the Orthopaedic Research Lab of Radboudumc focuses on the biomechanical evaluation of patellar instability. The collaboration unites advanced physical testing with dynamic medical imaging to gain more insight into the underlying pathology to improve care for patients with patellofemoral instability.
“Enabling prediction of fall risk from a light-based neuroimaging tool during balance correcting responses”
Project Lead by: Prof. Dr. Vivian Weerdesteyn (R) & Dr. Sue Peters (W)
Poor reactive stepping (the kind needed to avoid a fall) is a significant risk factor for experiencing a fall and is typically impaired following neurological injury. To enable development of interventions and prediction algorithms, our project will determine which mobile neuroimaging measures are associated with the stepping responses needed to avoid a fall.
“Investigation on Artificial Intelligence using Transformer Networks to Implement Algorithmic Models of Computation”
Project Lead by: Prof. Dr. Marcel van Gerven (R) & Prof. Dr. Roy Eagleson (W)
The central question of this collaborative project is "Can a classical computational architecture be implemented within a neural network?". Drawing the neural networks and classical computers together under a single information-processing framework is what is at the heart of this research project. Perhaps in a decade, it will seem out-dated to suggest that "classical computers" would be radically different from ordinary "neural networks"?
Selected Projects 2022 - 2023
“Understanding Aphantasia; Exploring Language in Minds Without Imagery”
Project Lead by: Dr Laura Speed (R) and Dr Ken McRae (W)
Recent research has discovered a unique group of individuals who do not consciously experience visual imagery: people with “aphantasia”. With this project we aim to increase understanding of aphantasia and explore how people without visual imagery understand language.
“The Lasting impact of Early Life Experiences on Reward-Based Learning and Decision-Making”
Project Lead by: Dr Bernd Figner (R) and Dr J. Bruce Morton (W)
In this collaborative project, we are using a unique and large data set from Radboud University's "Healthy Brain Study" to answer the question in which ways differences in early life circumstances—such as growing up in relative poverty or experiencing traumatic events during childhood—are related to more optimal versus more problematic decision-making tendencies in adulthood. The longer-term goal of this research is to create the foundations for interventions aimed at improving individuals' life and health outcomes.
“Dynamic, Bioinspired Polymeric Supramolecular Assemblies”
Project Lead by: Professor Daniela A. Wilson (R) and Professor Elizabeth Gillies (W)
The Wilson and Gillies research groups are collaborating to develop new approaches to change the shape and power the movement of tiny nanometer-sized polymer particles under biologically relevant conditions. Ultimately, the aim is to exploit these new systems to more effectively deliver drugs into tissues and cells.
“Decoding Carbon’s Cosmic Fingerprints: driving research excellence by bridging laboratory astrochemistry and observational astrophysics”
Project Lead by: Professor Jos Oomens (R) and Professor Jan Cami (W)
Western astronomers and Radboud chemists will set up a research collaboration and graduate training program that will leverage Radboud's unique access to advanced experimental facilities (e.g. FELIX) with Western's expertise in astrophysical studies of carbonaceous materials in space using observations with the James Webb Space Telescope. This powerful synergy will help to elucidate the nature of carbon in space, and recognize the groups' leadership role in one of the biggest adventures in astronomy (JWST).
“Curiosity as a Cognitive Reserve in Healthy Aging”
Project Lead by: Dr Joukje Oosterman/Dr Iris Wiegand (R) and Dr Stefan Köhler (W)
Cognitive reserve (CR) refers to protective factors in brain functioning that have accumulated over a lifetime and that can mitigate against cognitive decline in the face of age-related brain changes. In this project, we will study the role of curiosity in CR, based on the assumption that a curious person may be more inclined to reach out to an environment and to activities they find stimulating—and thereby boost their CR. We will develop an innovative research agenda to systematically investigate personality and motivational factors that link curiosity to CR and cognitive performance in aging, with the ultimate goal to lay the foundation for designing new individualized intervention programs to counteract cognitive decline.
Selected Projects 2021 - 2022
“Oxygen at high and low thermal limits of ectothermic animals”
Project Lead By: Brent Sinclair (W) and Wilhelm Verberk (R)
“Curating Waste - Exploring Future-Oriented and Sustainable Museum Practices in the Netherlands and Canada”
Project Lead By: Friederike Landau (R) and Kirsty Robertson (W)
“From a dichotomous towards a dimensional approach of learning disabilities: Scientific and societal implications”
Project Lead By: Daniel Ansari (W) and Evelyn Kroesbergen (R)
“Dynamics of traveling waves in the sleeping mouse neocortex: experiments, analysis, and theory”
Project Lead By: Francesco Battaglia (R) and Lyle Muller (W)
“Automating (In)justice: Exploring Real-World Impacts of AI Governance in Europe, Canada, and around the World”
Project Lead By: Charles Luke Stark (W) and Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (R)
“The Transatlantic Virtual International Classroom: Building intercultural competencies through global research dialogues”
Project Lead By: William Turkel (W) and Jorrit van den Berk (R)