Hosting Visitors

If you are a member of Western’s community who is planning to host an international visitor, information on this page will aid in your preparation. Please consult the Guidelines and Checklist for Visiting Delegations and notify Western International ( of the visit.

If a delegation includes any of the following, Western International will act as the official host and will coordinate the appropriate activities:

International Visitors:

  • Heads of State or Multinational Organizations
  • Senior Government Officials such as Ministers, Deputy Ministers or those of equivalent rank
  • Ambassadors
  • Deputy Chiefs of Mission
  • Consuls General

Domestic Visitors:

  • Senior Federal government officials
  • University Presidents and Vice-Presidents
  • Members of Parliament
  • Serving Ambassadors
  • Senior Administrators for partner institutions

For visitors who do not fall into one of the above categories, Western International will:

  • Provide leadership and advice on international protocol matters to Western faculty and staff hosting visitors
  • Provide templates for the formal invitation letter (normally required by visiting delegations to obtain travel visas)

Western International will review all visit requests to determine whether or not the request can be accommodated.

The Responsive Department (Academic or Administrative Department/Faculty/Centre) shall be responsible for:

  • Notifying Western International for the purpose of tracking international visits to the university
  • Consult and follow as appropriate the “Checklist for International Visiting Delegations”
  • Arranging appropriate meetings and providing light refreshments or luncheon, as required or appropriate
  • Providing protocol/promotional items to present to members of the visiting delegation

Travel and Logistics

Travel & Logistics

Recommended strategies for planning the travel itinerary to make sure the visit runs smoothly.

Contact Us

Western International
Phone: 519.661.2111, Ext. 89309