

International Partnerships

The University is committed to excellence in its research and academic programs and it  recognizes that its strengths can be enhanced by collaborative relationships with international  partners, including governments, academic institutions, and other organizations, both public  and private.

There is support available to build global partnerships, whether that be for student mobility, industry engagement, research, or teaching.

The Western International team works in collaboration with other campus units and committees to develop strategic partnerships with university and research partners across the world. We support and advise staff in their activities including how to develop partnerships at the departmental, faculty and institutional level, and in the drafting, managing, and renewing of international agreements.

We also track Western’s international engagement to ensure that activities align with the university’s strategic plan and follow risk management and legal protocols. 


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Explore Our Impact: International Engagement Map

With collaborations on every continent, Western’s international footprint is ever expanding. Partners include institutions, government organizations and other public sector parties, non-profit organizations and the private sector.

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Understanding Types of International Agreements

International institutional partnership activities are structured by various types of agreements with each designed to facilitate a particular purpose.


Building International Partnerships

Whether you are involved in teaching or research, there is much to be gained from international collaboration. Western International is here to support you with the development of international partnerships and collaborative agreements.