New Student Arrival Checklist for Undergraduate Students

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1. Complete the required Gender Based & Sexual Violence Online Training if you did not complete this before your arrival.

For all incoming first-year undergraduate students and transfer students:

  1. Complete the online training.
  2. Students living in residence will be asked to complete a second training session prior to move in. Watch for information from the Housing department. 

More details are available on the Wellness & Well-being website.
If you have questions or concerns about the training, email

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2. Get your Western ONE Student Card

Upload your photo and government issued ID (passport).

When you arrive on campus, upload your study permit information and pick up your card.

Your student card can also be used for your bus pass, meal plan, Campus Recreation (gym) access, library card and more!

For more information regarding your Western ONECard, including how to order your card and where to pick up your card,  visit The Office of the Registrar's page.

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3. Pay Your Tuition Fees and Receive the New to Canada Grant

Login to your Student Center account to check your Online Statement of Account. Pay any outstanding tuition fees by the required deadline(s).

Fee payment methods.

Western University is welcoming international students who are new to Canada to our community with a grant of $1,000 to assist with settlement costs. Once you have paid your fees and presented your study permit, eligible students will see these funds in their tuition account as “New to Canada Grant."

More information about the grant and how to access the funds as a refund (and not applied against amount owing on student account). 

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4. Review Your Health Insurance Plans

University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP)

  • Mandatory for all international students and their family members (spouse and children) who are in Ontario. This is your main health insurance plan if you need to see a doctor.
  • Check your Western email for your UHIP card. Students who are in Ontario while enrolled in online classes are still required to have UHIP.
  • Enroll your family members within 30 days of arriving.
  • See UHIP for complete details.

USC (University Students' Council) Extended Health Plan - Purple Care

Includes some coverage of prescription drugs, as well as basic dental care and vision coverage. Please visit the PurpleCARE website for more information.

More information is available on our Health and Wellness web page.

Check your vaccination status

Do you know if your vaccines are up-to-date? If you moved to/ are moving to Canada from a country where vaccines were not as accessible, you may not be fully immunized against diseases like measles.

Before you come to Western, it's important to review your vaccine history and learn more about our recommended vaccines.

If you are in need of vaccinations or testing, once you arrive at Western, Student Health & Wellness Services can help! Book an appointment to speak with a physician. Costs for physician appointments and for vaccinations are covered under the University Health Insurance Plan.

Register at the Student Health Clinic

Visit Health & Wellness Services (Thames Hall room 2170) or call the clinic at 519-661-3030 to register. If you have any pre-existing conditions, we recommend making an appointment to facilitate medication renewals and follow-up. Even if you don't need to see someone right away, registering in advance will allow you to easily book online if you ever need to see a doctor or mental health counsellor.

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5. Apply for a Social Insurance Number

If you plan to work while in Canada, either as an on-campus or off-campus employee, or a teaching or research assistant, you must have a Social Insurance Number in order to receive payment for work in Canada.

Once you receive your SIN, be sure to update your information on and on (for students working at the university).

For more information, visit the Social Insurance Number page, register to attend a SIN Clinic on campus, or apply at Service Canada.

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6. Update Your Address and Emergency Contacts

Login to your Student Center account and update the following:

  • Your new London address.
  • Your emergency contacts (can be worldwide). It is recommended that you include a family member.
  • Your Social Insurance Number (once you receive it).

Visit AlertWesternU and update your contact information to receive important messages in case of a campus-wide emergency.

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7. Set Yourself Up For Success

Complete the International Student Essential Modules to learn more about Western and Canadian culture, unwritten rules of the Canadian classroom, key academic values in Canada, important immigration information, wellness and safety tips and more!

Check out Learning presentations and workshops for tips on creating effective learning habits, successful time management and more.

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8. Participate in Virtual and In-Person Orientation Programming

Participate in our 3-Part webinar series for new students and plan to attend our in-person social events to connect with your international community at Western. For more information, see the International Student Orientation Schedule.

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9. Sign up for Programs and Services

Other Important Things to Do