Research Resources

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Western University's Strategy for International Research. 

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International and Exchange Student Centre

The International Student Services (ISS) is a department of  Western International , which offers a full range of  programs and services  to support international students during their stay at Western.

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Ivey Business School

The Ivey Business School at Western University is one of Canada’s leading providers of real-world, case-based business education.

Drawing on extensive research and business experience, Ivey faculty provide the best classroom experience, equipping students, through Case-Method Learning, with the skills and capabilities they need to tackle today's leadership challenges. Beyond the classroom, Ivey students gain a global perspective on business issues, through international study trips, exchanges and practicums.

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MAPP Policy

Establishing International Academic Partnerships

Western Research Policies

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Research Ethics and Integrity

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Results-based management for international assistance programming

Results-based management for international assistance programming: A how-to guide

Western University's Strategy for International Research

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Western's International Collaborating Institutions 2013-2017

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Western Financial Statements

Corporate Financial Reporting

Western Research Programmes


  • Achilles Project The aim of this project is to bring together a group of scholars working on the history of the Achilles argument, on the interpretation of the work of proponents and opponents of that argument (like Bayle, Clarke, and Mendelssohn on the one hand and Locke, Hume and Kant on the other), and on current issues in the study of consciousness.
  • Bioethics Research Group The Bioethics Research Group is a multi-disciplinary team of established researchers based in London, Ontario who collaborate on a variety of projects of an academic, pedagogical and public awareness nature. Members of the group come from a range of disciplines such as Philosophy, Law and Medicine. Many of the group's researchers have a special interest in ethical issues surrounding the reproductive health care sciences.
  • Comparative Romanticism Research Group (Romanticism @ Western) To provide a forum for studies in the literature, culture, and theory of the Romantic Period (ca. 1770-1850) in an international and interdisciplinary context
  • Electronic Textuality Research Group
  • Feminist Philosophy Research Group With eight philosophers in a variety of fields whose work can be classified in full or in part under the rubric “Feminist Philosophy”, Western is one of only 20 philosophy graduate programs in the English-speaking world recognized by the Philosophical Gourmet as having strength in this area. Recently the group was very active in the organization of the XIV IAPh Symposium 2010: Feminism, Science and Values held at The University of Western Ontario. The International Association of Women Philosophers met at The University of Western Ontario in June 2010. It was the organization’s first meeting in Canada and only its second meeting in North America.
  • Groupe d'Intervention sur la Circulation du Savoir
  • G.R.E.L.C.E.F. / Research and Teaching Group on Francophone Literatures and Cultures To study Canadian and international francophone literatures, cultures, and languages in a broad sense.
  • Holocaust Literature Research Initiative The Holocaust Literature Research Institute collects and analyzes published testimonies of Holocaust survivors. The collection is placed in a searchable website.
  • Kant Research Group The Kant Research Group is a community of scholars based at the University of Western Ontario (in London ON, Canada) with primary research interests in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). The UWO KRG considers all aspects of Kant's philosophy, and issues pertaining to the historical context and reception of Kant's thought is an area of particular interest. In addition to holding regular meetings in which members present their latest research, the UWO KRG supports local conferences and workshops on Kantian topics. It also maintains an archive of digitized texts from the 18th century. VIEW WEBSITE
  • Language and Cognition Research Group The group's aims are two-fold. First we will continue to draw on empirical work on language and cognition from cognitive science to address issues in philosophy of language and mind, and vice versa. Second, we will consider in-depth methodological questions that arise at this interface of philosophy and cognitive science.
  • Medieval and Renaissance Seminar Research Group The Seminar for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Western was started in the late sixties as a joint venture between History, French, and English (leading lights of the early days were Jack Lander and John Rowe of the Department of History), although it quickly expanded to include members from many other departments and from the affiliate colleges. For its first twenty years, the Seminar focused on very well-attended papers by major scholars in fields of medieval and Renaissance studies, and papers by members of the Seminar.
  • Performance Studies Research Group The Performance Studies Research Group is an interdisciplinary body made up of more than twenty scholars - both faculty and graduate students - from across the university. We meet twice per term, organizing our gatherings around shared readings from current debates in performance-related disciplines, the presentation of research by members, and lectures by visiting or in-house speakers. While we do not adhere rigorously to the formal definition of "performance studies" emerging from the discipline's American school (developed by Richard Schechner et al, and maintained by such bodies as TDR and Performance Studies International), we come together in our common faith in what Diana Taylor calls performance's power to enact theory, and theory's power to perform "in the public sphere." Our definition of performance is as flexible as the scholars who number among us, and we always welcome new members.
  • Philosophy & Psychology Research Group The purpose of this research group is to investigate the nature of concepts from philosophical and psychological perspectives. Aims are: 1. Promote interdisciplinary research and collaboration; 2. Obtain external grant money; 3. Read recent publications concerning concepts category learning; 4. Offer a setting for group members to present work in progress to obtain feedback in preparing for publication; 5. Establish UWO as a place to study cognitive science and philosophy of psychology.
  • Philosophy of Science Research Group The aim is to further our understanding of scientific methodology through a detailed examination of scientific theories.
  • Postcolonial and Globalization Interdisciplinary Research Group To provide a forum for research collaboration at the point of intersection between postcolonial and globalization studies within interdisciplinary contexts.
  • Research Group in Gender and Sexuality Purpose is to serve as a forum for the members to present and discuss new research papers relating to the cultural study of genders and sexualities.
  • Transatlantic Research Group This research group is devoted to the study of relationships within the Spanish and Portuguese world well as the development of the Spanish language and culture in North America, and the subsequent realignment of the Spanish cultural world.
  • Upper Canada Society for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy The Upper Canada Society for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy is a research group made up of graduate students and faculty members interested in ancient and medieval philosophy. The aim is to offer graduate students and faculty alike a forum to present work-in-progress in a relaxed social setting where they can receive feedback from others working in the area.
  • Western Early Modern Society Research Group The purpose of this research group is to provide a forum for the presentation of research "work-in-progress" and for the dissemination and exchange of new ideas, research projects, etc.
  • Western Ontario Early Modern Philosophy We are scholars, researchers, faculty, and graduate students interested in early modern philosophy broadly conceived. We generally meet bi-weekly as a reading group, meet monthly to discuss new scholarships, and meet as needed to discuss drafts of papers and projects we are working on.


  • Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies (CPELS):  CPELS members focus on domestic and global systems, networks, organizations, communities, and individuals, and have expertise in critical policy analysis; educational leadership and administration; global and international and comparative education, Indigenous education, and social equity, including critical race, gender, and queer studies.
  • Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics: This cluster is made up of programs & research that include two interrelated threads: Curriculum Studies & Applied Linguistics. Curriculum studies is an established, but not uniform, discipline that has been identified as the first (& perhaps only) discipline to be birthed from education itself. Applied linguistics in the Faculty of Education is concerned with investigating issues pertaining to the nature of language teaching and learning.
  • Applied Psychology:  Applied Psychology includes faculty members with expertise in Mental Health, Inclusive and Special Education, and Cognition and Neuroscience.



  • The  Fraunhofer Project Centre for Composites (FPC) Research  a joint venture between Western and the Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) in Pfinztal, Germany, develops, tests, validates and characterizes new lightweight materials and advanced manufacturing processes at industrial scale.
  • GLABAT Solid-State Battery Inc . has been established out of a joint, multi-million-dollar research and development laboratory with the China Automotive Battery Research Institute Co. Ltd. This initiative seeks to bring us closer to the future of safer, more cost-effective batteries for electric vehicles.
  • Institute for Chemicals and Fuels from Alternative Resources (ICFAR) - ICFAR is a research centre within Western Engineering that houses pilot plant research space and is a bridge between academic bench-top and industrial-scale research. ICFAR specializes in biomass and waste conversion and fluid-coking technologies. ICFAR includes five faculty members and various international collaborations throughout Europe, the Americas, and China. ICFAR is an Erasmus + site recognized by the European Commission.
  • Wind Engineering – the WindEEE Research Institute and Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory (BLWT) have attracted international and national collaboration and is an area of research strength at Western
  • Water research is a strength of Western Engineering and there is a new WesternWater Research Centre  
  • Western’s Industry 4.0 Network (WIN 4.0)  is an interdisciplinary platform that supports Western researchers from different Faculties and other Canadian and international researchers to collaborate to develop and implement industry 4.0 related technologies in Canada.



  • On the Move - With a variety of research methods, the FHS aims to understand, improve, restore, and/or manage, mobility outcomes that affect people throughout all stages of the life span.
  • Social Determinants of Health - Research undertaken within the Faculty of Health Sciences reflects a deep and prolonged commitment to understanding more fully how the social determinants of health interact to influence health, to the elimination of social, political, and economic inequities.
  • Health Information & Technology - Researchers within the Faculty of Health Sciences have been at the forefront of innovative research initiatives related to information that are transforming how health care is delivered and taken up in our community.
  • Changing Health Services, Systems & Policy - The scope of these efforts within FHS is broad and includes health services research that explores the interplay of social and economic contexts, health technologies, early and effective interventions and personal factors that impact health systems and policy
  • Research Centers FHS Research Centers


IVEY Business School





  • Popular Music and Culture
  • 20th-Century Music
  • Medieval Music
  • Music Cognition
  • Philosophy, Policy, and Psychology of Music Education
  • Opera
  • Chamber Music


International collaborative research initiatives:



Downloadable strategic priorities document Infinity -  Infinity is designed specifically to reach out to Canadians and the world to invite you to follow the amazing science research taking place at Western University. Brought to you by the Faculty of Science, it is written so that industry innovators, government decision-makers, special interest groups and you, the curious public, can all benefit and learn from a quick read of our short-form stories.

  • Sustainability and the Environment: Advanced Facility for Avian Research and the Biotron Facility for Experimental Climate Change Research. In combination with a wide range of related research infrastructure including Environmental Sciences Western Field Station, Purple Crow LiDAR, Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration, Surface Science Western, Laboratory for Stable Isotope Science, SHARCNET, and SOSCIP, faculty at Western Science are positioned to answer humanity’s critical questions about sustainability and the environment. Research into Sustainability and the Environment is deeply embedded in the Faculty of Science and extends far beyond, into many departments and faculties University-wide, including:• Ivey School of Business, Engineering – energy and sustainability • Social Sciences – urban development, policy, and economics of the environment • Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Health Sciences – healthy cities, healthy societies, including public health, clean water, doctors without borders, disease control, and food safety • Law – environmental law, sustainable mining• Arts & Humanities, Education – philosophy of resource development, perception and value of the environment, teaching and communication about the environment.
  • Adaptation and Resilience: stress response, conservation biodiversity, ecosystem services.
  • Extreme Environments: biogeoscience, space science, astrobiology, atmospheric science, thermal biology.
  • Natural Hazards: risk management, water and water remediation, remote sensing space weather ecosystem services, mineral and water resources, biodiversity and conservation.
  • Sustainable Exploration: robotics, remediation, remote sensing and GIS, mineral deposits biogeoscience, resource geoscience, hydrocarbons.
  • The Science of Information theme builds on the excellence in the mathematical, statistical and computer sciences at Western and naturally complements other research themes in Science, as well as many other areas of excellence at Western: Medicine, Social Sciences, Humanities, Health Sciences, Information and Media Studies, Business and Law.
  • Financial Management and Risk Modelling: catastrophe modelling, credit risk analysis, energy finance option pricing, risk management, health and mortality modelling insurance claims and surplus modelling.
  • Cyber-Physical Infrastructure and Analytics: data set management, geographically dispersed data sets, sampling.
  • Environmetrics: fundamentals, bioinformatics, medical imaging, health informatics data mining, exploratory data analysis, computer vision, image analysis.
  • High Performance Computing: fundamentals, bioinformatics, medical imaging, health informatics data mining, exploratory data analysis, computer vision, image analysis.
  • Health Informatics and Operations Research: fundamentals, bioinformatics, medical imaging, health informatics data mining, exploratory data analysis, computer vision, image analysis.
  • Materials and Biomaterials research by the nature of the field, naturally extends across departmental and Faculty boundaries including tight linkages to Advanced Manufacturing and Western’s Musculoskeletal Health cluster. Our core competencies extend from the synthesis of new biomaterials at the nanometer scale and upwards to the analysis and characterization of natural and synthetic materials using a variety of cutting-edge analytical techniques developed right here at Western. All research platforms are supported by state-of-the-art computational facilities for modelling the function and failure of materials, and the interaction of materials with the near field environment. World-class facilities and equipment include Surface Science Western, the Nanofabrication Laboratory, the Western-led beamlines at the Canadian Light Source, the Imaging Facility in the Biotron, the Tandetron Facility, and the Laboratory for Stable Isotope Science.
  • Materials for Health: medical imaging materials, protein folding and dynamics, biomineralization drug delivery systems, tissue engineering, MRI contrast agents
  • Materials for Sustainable Energies: energy storage, fuel cells, batteries, solar cells, nuclear reactor materials materials for nuclear waste storage and containment
  • Innovative Functional Materials: superhydrophobic materials, redox materials, polymers and polymer composites, magnetic materials nanomaterials and nanocomposites sensors, conducting materials, optoelectronic materials
  • Earth and Astromaterials:  meteorites, planetary interiors, petroleum geology, mineral exploration earth impacts, planetary surface, mineral resources
  • The  Soochow University-Western University Centre for Synchrotron Radiation Research , located in Suzhou, China, explores detailed aspects of molecular structures leading to discoveries in nano-materials and devices, polymers and macro-molecules as well as innovative theories around the capabilities of synchrotron radiation.



  • Network for Economic and Social Trends: Modern societies are experiencing unprecedented social and economic changes, including a slowdown in economic growth, rising inequality, and increasing ethnic diversity and geographic mobility. NEST, the flagship research and policy alliance in the Faculty of Social Science at Western University, addresses these challenges by conducting world-class multidisciplinary research, fostering national and international collaborations, and facilitating the training of the next generation of leaders in academia, the private and non-profit sectors, and government. NEST is the umbrella organization for  all six Western Research Centres in the Faculty of Social Science:


  • The Brain and Mind Institute – it’s mission is to provide a centralized and visible presence for  cognitive neuroscience  at Western University. The Institute's primary functions are to promote research, to facilitate the training of highly qualified personnel, and to foster national and international collaborations in cognitive neuroscience.


Other Research Institutes affiliated to Faculty of Social Science:

Advanced Facilities for Avian Research (AFAR) AFAR is a world-class facility at the University of Western Ontario for interdisciplinary studies of bird physiology, neurobiology and behaviour. Understanding how birds adapt their reproductive and migratory strategies to environmental pressures requires detailed knowledge of how their neural and physiological systems respond to changes in the environment. Researchers at AFAR come together from a variety of disciplines to explore how birds work, and how they respond to their environment. 



  • Areas of Excellence: Biomedical Imaging, Cancer, Cardiovascular, Respiratory Health, and Metabolic Diseases, Infection and Immunity, Musculoskeletal Health, Maternal, Fetal, Child and Family Health, Neuroscience and Mental Health.
  • The  Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in Rwanda Project is a partnership project with Western University, the Kigali Health Institute and the National University of Rwanda to strengthen midwifery and pediatric nursing, improve professional development for health professionals in maternal, newborn and child health, and help develop health policy in Rwanda.
  • ImPaKT Facility is a one-of-kind facility combining PHAC certified containment level standards (CL2+ and CL3) with advanced in vivo imaging modalities. The ImPaKT Facility is designed to be a place to foster collaboration and partnership. Our goal is to enhance research and development to improve our understanding of infectious disease pathogenesis, interventions, diagnosis, and treatments.
  • Bone & Joint Institute – establishment of collaboration with Renishaw which led to the establishment of the Additive Design in Surgical Solution (ADEISS) Centre.  More information 
  • Global Mental Health INcubator for Disruptive Solutions (Global MINDS) pioneers mindful social innovation practices to catalyze the development, implementation, mobilization, and evaluation of disruptive solutions for the wicked problem of reducing the global burden of mental and substance use disorders and related issues. Global MINDS is focused on innovating with and for low resource settings in low- /middle-income countries and with and for local communities facing marginalization, including mental health inequities.
  • Students and Clinical Research Training Programs

Western Worldwide

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Western's International Agreements - View agreements between Western University and international institutions

Africa Centers for Diseases Control (Africa CDC)

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African Academy of Sciences (AAS)

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Canadian Institutes of Health Research

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is Canada's federal funding agency for health research. Composed of 13 Institutes, CIHR collaborates with partners and researchers to support the discoveries and innovations that improve our health and strengthen our health care system.  More information

CIHR International and Global Health Collaboration Team

CIHR International Collaboration (Scope)

CIHR Global Health Research (Scope)

DAC List of ODA Recipients

The DAC List of ODA Recipients shows all countries and territories eligible to receive official development assistance (ODA). These consist of all low and middle-income countries based on gross national income (GNI) per capita as published by the  World Bank, with the exception of G8 members, EU members, and countries with a firm date for entry into the EU. The list also includes all of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) as defined by the  United Nations (UN).

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European Commision

Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 Work Programme for Research & Innovation

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe The Next EU Research and Innovation Programme

Guidance on eligible costs for development initiatives

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International treaties signed by Canada

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New Frontiers Research Fund

The  Canada Research Coordinating Committee  designed the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) following a comprehensive  national consultation , which involved Canadian researchers, research administrators, stakeholders, and the public.  NFRF is administered by the Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat (TIPS), which is housed within the  Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), on behalf of Canada’s three research granting agencies: the  Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the  Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and SSHRC.

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Risk Management

Integrated Risk Management - Global Affairs Canada

The Association of Commonwealth Universities

The Association of Commonwealth Universities is an international organisation dedicated to building a better world through higher education.

International collaboration is central to this ambition: by bringing universities together from around the world – and crucially the people who study and work within them – the ACU helps to advance knowledge, promote understanding, broaden minds, and improve lives.

Universities Canada

Universities Canada is the voice of Canadian universities, at home and abroad.

They are a membership organization providing university presidents with a unified voice for higher education, research and innovation. Universities Canada, formerly the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, advances the mission of our member institutions to transform lives, strengthen communities and find solutions to the most pressing challenges facing our world.


UN Sustainable development goals

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Research priorities in the World Regions

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests. The SDGs build on decades of work by countries and the UN, including the  UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Source: Sustainable Development Goals).

Africa Goals


Preview image of an infographic related to international collaboraitons in Africa (.PDF)

Western researchers and scholars are currently collaborating and publishing with 22 universities in Africa.


Americas Goals


Preview image of an infographic related to international collaboraitons in Brazil (.PDF)

Western researchers and scholars are currently collaborating and publishing with 9 universities in Brazil.

United States

Preview image of an infographic related to international collaboraitons in United States (.PDF)

Western researchers and scholars are currently collaborating and publishing with more than 23 universities in the U.S.A.

Australasia Goals


Preview image of an infographic related to international collaboraitons in Australia (.PDF)

Western researchers and scholars are currently collaborating and publishing with 22 universities in Australia.


Image of an infographic describing research activities in China. (.PDF)

Western researchers and scholars are currently collaborating and publishing with 10 universities in China.


Preview image of an infographic related to international collaboraitons in India. (.PDF)

Western researchers and scholars are currently collaborating and publishing with 18 universities in India.


Preview image of an infographic related to international collaboraitons in Japan. (.PDF)

Western researchers and scholars are currently collaborating and publishing with 16 universities in Japan.


Preview image of an infographic related to international collaboraitons in South Korea (.PDF)

Western researchers and scholars are currently collaborating and publishing with 5 universities in Malaysia.


South Korea

Preview image of an infographic related to international collaboraitons in South Korea (.PDF)

Western researchers and scholars are currently collaborating and publishing with 8 universities in South Korea.


Europe Goals


Preview image of an infographic about relationships in France. (.PDF)

Western researchers and scholars are currently collaborating and publishing with 11 universities in France.


Preview image of an infographic related to international collaboraitons in Germany. (.PDF)

Western researchers and scholars are currently collaborating and publishing with 15 universities in Germany.

The Netherlands

Preview image of an infographic related to international collaboraitons in the Netherlands. (.PDF)

Western researchers and scholars are currently collaborating and publishing with 9 universities in the Netherlands.

United Kingdom

Preview image of an infographic related to international collaboraitons in United Kingdom (.PDF)

Western researchers and scholars are currently collaborating and publishing with 29 universities in the U.K.