Stage 2: Implementing

Recruitment and Promotions

Our recruitment and promotions timeline will assist you with planning your recruitment strategy. Please contact the International Learning team for more information.

  1. Information Session and Fairs
    • Locations: Chu Centre (availability may be limited during peak periods for Western Internation, e.g. month of September, International Week, etc)
    • How to book rooms and tables in the UCC
    • Registration: Atlas
    • Other events: International Week, Faculty information sessions, orientations, etc.
  2. Websites and social media: Western International, Student Success Centre

  3. List-serves and mass email

  4. Posters at Creative Services

  5. Class presentations

  6. Display cases or bulletin board at each department

  7. Academic advisors

Application and Selection


  • Western International hosts Faculty-Led Study Abroad program applications in Atlas.
  • Application forms are developed in partnership with the faculty member leading the program.
  • Applications can be reviewed online once submitted by students.

Interview process & questions

  • If an interview is required to determine fit for the program, support is provided to develop appropriate interview questions.

Selection Process

  • The selection process and criteria is at the discretion of the faculty member leading the program.

Finance and Funding

Program Fee

Collecting student payments is handled by the individual academic unit based on deadlines set during the budget development process. The most common forms of payment collection are below, however there may be other methods that your Department/Faculty may have the infrastructure for:

  • Cash
  • Cheque
Amount Charged
  • If you will be paying in a currency that is not in Canadian Dollars, you should account for this by adding a buffer amount charged to the student to cover
  • Alternatively, you may want to charge the students in the foreign currency (i.e. students would need to pay the equivalent of 500 Euro).
Payment Collections
  • Ensure that your course has an account, so you are able to collect fees from participants and make payments to vendors.
  • In the past, participants have dropped off a cheque or money order to the Department or Faculty to collect funds, which they can then distribute to vendors.

Student Funding Opportunities

Western University has a number of funding opportunities available for students to assist with the cost of covering an international experience. If eligible, students can apply for the International Learning Award or Global Opportunities Award, or search for a vast number of other funding opportunities through the Office of the Registrar’s Student Awards Search database. Make sure you are making your students aware of these opportunities well in advance so they can get an application in before each award deadline!

Course Logistics

Once students have been selected, they need to be able to enrol in the course.

Course Registration & Pre-Requisites

  • Students may be able to register directly in the course, or they can also be manually entered.
  • Consider the pre-requisites of the course, and if students can be registered in the Faculty-Led course and the pre-requisite in the same term.

Register Students in the Course

Collaborate with the Administrative Assistant, Academic Counsellors and Office of the Registrar to ensure the students are registered in the course, and that students who have not been selected for the course are not registered.